Baltimore Acupuncture
Your Journey to Healing
Your journey to healing can begin in either my Catonsville, Maryland space or my Towson, Maryland space.
The most important step in healing is to make the decision to make that initial phone call and set up your first appointment. The following pages should answer any questions you might have about my acupuncture practice.
I look forward to meeting with you.
Visit the new Tranquili-Chi Center facebook page!/TranquiliChiCenter an take a look at the pics. “LIKE” the page while you are visiting.
Preferred Provider
I am a Blue Cross/Blue Shield preferred provider AND accept most other insurances.
Multi-Level Benefits
Benefits are always noticed on these multiple levels, while one’s “chief complaint” is being treated. Patients often refer to the problem that brought them into Acupuncture treatment as their “best friend” because of the multiple levels of improvement they experience in the healing process. The journey back to Homeostasis (or balance) is a mysterious process that is always rewarding to both my patients and me.